Town League for K-2 - BSA offers Spring and Fall co-ed soccer for K, 1st and 2nd graders who live or attend school in Belmont. Each season about 700 people -- players, volunteer administrators, volunteer coaches and assistant coaches, and middle school referees - are involved in the K-2 league. We're often a child's introduction to organized sports. Through soccer and the instruction of basic soccer skills, we hope to build kids' self-esteem by introducing them to the joy of playing on a team and reinforcing the principles of good sportsmanship.
All teams play on Saturdays at Winn-Brook Elementary School (K-1st Gr) or Town Field (2nd Gr). Games start at either 8:30am, 9:45am or 11:00am. Practice days and times are at the discretion of the volunteer coaches and families can expect one practice session per week. The Fall K-2 season runs from mid September through October.
Town League for Grades 3 and 4 – Evenly balanced teams playing 7v7 games on Saturdays afternoons - usually between noon and 2pm. All games played in Belmont. Typically one practice per week. All 3rd graders play Town League exclusively. The Town League season runs from early September through October ending with a fun all league "World Cup" tournament.
Town League for Grades 5 through 8 (co-ed) – BSA offers in-town soccer for 5th through 8th grade. This is an 8 week program with evenly balanced and small teams playing games on Saturday during the late afternoons – all games played in Belmont. There will be no separate practices for the 5 - 8 grade co-ed town league.
Travel Program (BAYS): Grades 4 through 12 – (U10 through U14). The travel program is a competitive team format, with 5 home and 5 away games. All leagues & games are organized through BAYS (Boston Area Youth Soccer). Players are assigned to their team based on their placement scores and input from their coach (if they have played previously)
Players who do not do placements in the spring for the following Fall or Spring will not be placed on a Division 1 or 2 team – usually our top teams. Their team placement will be based on their previous coaches input if available.*** this guideline is not in use for Fall 2021 and we will place kids on most appropriate team regardless of placement attendance.
All teams play on Saturdays - girls in the morning and boys in the afternoon (don't ask us why). Practices are at the discretion of the volunteer coaches and members can expect between 1 or 2 practice sessions a week
Fall and Spring soccer for 9th-12th graders.
BSA offers programs for 9th -12th graders in both the Fall and Spring season. Click here for additional information.
U-HS - 9th-12th graders - FALL SEASONS
U16 & U18/19 - SPRING SEASONS (if enough interest we will field separate U16 and U18/19 teams)